
So Who is Jim Mau?

In my professional career as in my life, I have always tried to explore possibilities.

Early on in my career, I contracted for logistics & management of biological field & deep-ocean Pacific ship-borne expeditions. I later established a laboratory for the commercial culture of pathogenic organisms & antibody purification & was a partner & executive or owner in three biotechnology companies that developed & manufactured or private labeled laboratory diagnostic products for enteric pathogens for human, food, water quality & environmental testing. I have been a consultant to industry for personal hygiene, sanitation, & disinfection products. I also served as a regulatory agency interface between client & regulatory agencies, and lobbied Congress on behave of my industry. I have developed, managed & served as an adviser for emergency preparedness & response programs & disaster management of biological terrorism at the city & county levels. I worked in hospital laboratories & pathology & have been an instructor in many venues related to my professional endeavors. I have served my community & profession by holding a number of community & society service seats & committee chairs including that of city council member. I have been a researcher, writer, technical consultant, and educator, and a producer for a national syndicate of nationally top rated talk show hosts.

Academically, my Degree was a study in the Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Biochemistry’s plus two years of graduate coursework (also in the biomedical sciences). I also completed 50+ CEUs in laboratory science. My professional background is primarily the biology & ecology of infectious and parasitic organisms.

Regarding my avocation in disaster preparedness and response: I was instrumental in establishing, developing, and managing the formation of two CERT programs as well as two ARES programs over the course of several years. I was also a member of a DMAT during that time, served on my city’s Disaster Preparedness Board, and advisor to the county’s Response program for biological terrorism. I found a great appreciation for such programs and the confidence building those who chose to participate developed. This is how I chose to contribute to the safety, well being, and resiliency of my community.

So today, though retired, I spend much of my time exploring human metabolic fitness and cognition, photographing the beauty of nature, creating new memories with family.

I wish you well…

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